
How to store cannabis seeds

How to store cannabis seeds

Most growers shop ahead of time. Indeed, in the off-season, prices can be much lower, especially if there is a discount on your favorite variety. How can you stay here and not place an order?

After receiving the goods, you need to store the seeds somewhere so that they are not damaged and there is no damage to the crop. Yes, a damaged seed can give much less than the expected result, and it's not just about weight, but also about quality. The percentage of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) may decrease significantly. The aroma and resinousness of the inflorescence may be lost, and you will get something like a weed in the place of a thick Christmas tree dotted with cones.

How to properly store cannabis seeds

There is nothing difficult in storing seeds. The main thing to remember is that seeds have their own shelf life. How long you can store seeds, every experienced grower knows. The maximum term is five years. Given that the grower adheres to all the rules.

It's not just cannabis seeds that have an expiration date, all crops have an expiration date. For example, the longest-lived legumes can store their embryo for 10 years.

Main storage criteria

Air humidity

Any moisture awakens the seed to germination, which automatically spoils the seed. A seed cannot germinate twice.


Also, provokes the seed to open and sprout. Seeds only need water, light, and warmth to begin their growth.


The optimum storage temperature is from +4 to +8 degrees Celsius (average temperature in the refrigerator). In extreme cases, the temperature should be no more than +18 C. It is impossible to freeze the seed, as it will lose its ability to germinate.

The absence of temperature drops is a must for proper storage of hemp seeds. If you often take the seeds out of the refrigerator and put them on the windowsill, where there is sunlight, then she will experience severe stress. In the future, this will affect the growth and development of the plant.

Storage in original packaging

Storing in sealed and original seed bank packaging is the best way to store seeds. Seed growers think ahead about how to properly store cannabis seeds. The capsule is absolutely sterile, keeps the temperature well, scatters the sun's rays, and protects the seed from physical damage during transport.

A very important factor is sterility. If some bacteria or microorganisms get on the shell of the seed, they will begin to multiply and lead to disease or death.

So, how many years does germination last?

The seed remains fresh as long as it is able to germinate and produce a healthy plant. Approximately 3–5 years with proper savings.

An article on storing cannabis seeds

The legislation of Ukraine allows its citizens to save hemp seeds in any quantity. Storage of hemp seeds does not violate the law of Ukraine, because. The seeds themselves are not a drug and do not contain any psychotropic substances, so if you are still wondering if cannabis seeds can be stored - the answer is yes.

But the germination, cultivation of hemp seeds is an administrative or criminal offense. Article 307 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine provides for criminal liability for illegal production, manufacture, acquisition, storage, transportation, or transfer for the purpose of sale, as well as illegal sale of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or their analogues.

Growing more than three hemp bushes is a criminal offense and is punishable by imprisonment for a period of 3 to 7 years with the seizure of all products.

The® online store warns you against crimes before the law, use the purchased cannabis seeds only within the framework of the laws of your country.

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