
Who is a grower and what is a growers?

Who is a grower and what is a growers?

A grower is a person who grows plants, the so-called agronomist. Any person who intentionally creates a favorable environment for culture is called a grower. This word has migrated to us from Western countries. Translated from English, “grow” means “to grow”. Even if you helped your mother or grandmother plant seedlings of tomatoes, cabbage, or bell pepper in the garden as a child, then you were already a grower, you just didn’t know about it. This word can be applied to growers of any crop, be it poppy, potato, lavender, banana, or even cannabis.

Grover - a new generation grower

The task of the grower is to provide the plant with the most comfortable conditions for growth and development. This requires certain experience and theoretical knowledge. It is important to know that each culture needs individual care.

Creating the perfect climate is no problem, even for a novice grower, if you have grow boxes from the Smartshop-smartshop® online store. With their help, you can unleash the full potential of purchased cannabis seeds. Also, grow boxes allow you to grow any kind of plants at home, and you do not need to buy a separate plot of land for this. It must be selected according to the growth of the plant. A box that is too small will cause discomfort to the crop you are growing. Too big - will not give the plant the right amount of light. Grow box - is a box that holds the light inside. It has a special mount for phytolamps and ventilation.

Lack of free time and lack of land does not allow a person to reveal their growing abilities. For the benefit of modern technology does not stand still and beginner lovers of growing marijuana can be anyone right on their balcony. This process is quite meditative, allows you to forget about pressing problems, and copes well with stressful conditions.

Growing - why you should do it

Today, ecology occupies a significant place in the social niche. People began to speak out more often for the fight against plastic, chemical waste and for environmentally friendly products. Anyone can take part in this marathon by simply growing an eco product at home. Without the use of chemicals that settle in the soil and spoil it. After all, the plant absorbs these impurities and gives fruits, which will also contain chemicals.

New knowledge and experience is a valuable factor in life. Any efforts of growers will be appreciated in the form of a generous harvest, whether it be dense cannabis buds or ripe tomatoes. To learn all the rules of growing, read our Smartshop-smartshop® blog - here you will find many interesting articles about growing and caring for marijuana.

The main rules of cultivation:

  • The rule of daylight (from 12 to 18 hours). The plant needs a stable supply of ultraviolet light; without it, cannabis can be subject to frequent diseases and pathologies.
  • Abundant watering. It is especially important to water the plant during the period of germination and vegetation, it is during these periods (up to two months) that the plant requires water more than ever. If you skip watering often or water with bad water, the plant will lose more than half of the crop, it will be more sensitive to physical damage and disease.
  • Air exchange and space. The plant does not want to compete all its life with its neighbors, in the struggle for sunlight and space. The task of the grower is to provide him with good conditions. Therefore, for planting, take a pot of at least 7 liters and do not place adjacent plants close to each other.
  • Substrate quality. The ideal soil for germination is black soil, but it needs to be fertilized from time to time. Fertilize it with Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium - these are the main important elements. Without them, the full growth and development of culture is impossible. Microelements are also valued, such as: zinc, boron, calcium, and others. It is easy to overdo it with fertilizer, so that this does not happen, read the descriptions and instructions for use on the package. Keep in mind that each variety of cannabis has a different dosage.

We do not call for growing hemp seeds, act within the framework of the legislation of Ukraine. Good mood and valuable experience are guaranteed. You can find the best seeds in our Smartshop-smartshop® online store.

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