
Features of the appearance of hemp seeds

Features of the appearance of hemp seeds

What does a hemp seed look like? Hemp seeds, which are the fruits of Cannabis sativa, are round, 3.0 to 5.0 mm in diameter, and dark red-brown in color. The seeds are covered with a thin two-layered pericarp, have an endosperm and two cotyledons inside. Contain about 25-30% oil, 25-30% protein, 30-40% fiber and 6-7% moisture. The chemical composition of seeds varies significantly depending on the variety of hemp grown.

What is cannabis

Hemp is a strong, fragrant, annual plant. Thin reed stems are hollow except for the tip and base. The leaves are complex, palmate, and the flowers are small, greenish-yellow. The seed-producing flowers form long, spike-shaped racemes growing on pistillate (female) plants. Pollen-producing flowers create multi-branched racemes on stamina (or male) plants.

The seeds contain about 30% oil and are a source of protein, fiber, and magnesium. Hulled hemp seeds are sold as a health food and can be eaten raw. Often they are usually sprinkled on salads or mixed with fruit smoothies.

History of cannabis seeds

Cannabis seeds were first found in Central Asia. At that time, people cultivated hemp for fiber and nutritious seeds. There have been several recorded cases of cannabis cultivation in China as early as 2800 BC, also practiced in the Mediterranean countries of Europe at the beginning of the Christian era.

What are hemp seeds for

You can see how hemp seeds look in the photo above.

Cannabis seeds are grown in temperate zones as an annual plant and can reach a height of up to 5 meters.

Crops grow best in sandy soils with good drainage and require an average monthly rainfall of at least 65 mm during the growing season.

Crops grown for fiber are planted thickly and produce plants averaging 2-3 meters tall with little or no branching. Plants grown for oil are planted farther apart, shorter and more branched. In fiber production, maximum yield and quality is achieved when the crop is harvested soon after the plants reach maturity, as evidenced by full flowering and free shedding of male pollen.

Types of hemp seeds

  • Autoflowering - grows regardless of daylight. Ideal for growing indoors. It reaches a small size and has a lower level of THC.
  • Feminized - dependent on daylight. Ideal for growing outdoors. It can reach up to 5m in height and has high levels of THC in the buds.

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