
Managa or hemp milk - what's the difference?

Managa or hemp milk - what's the difference?

Many people confuse the concepts of hemp milk and managa, implying that they are one and the same, which in reality is far from being the case.

Hemp milk is a drink that is made from hemp seeds. This version of hemp milk saturates the body with protein and nutrients, including omega-3, omega-6, vitamins B, C, E, zinc and iron, while it does not contain THC.

Managa is a thrush prepared from hemp leaves or/and their inflorescence, which has various effects and properties due to the presence of cannabinoids and THC in it.

Let's take a look at the trendy hemp milk recipes this summer:

Hemp milk recipes

Classic recipe

  • 1/2 cup shelled hemp seeds;
  • 3-4 cups of water (use less water to make the milk thicker and creamier);
  • 1 pinch of sea salt;
  • 1 whole date, pitted (optional, for sweetness, or 1 tablespoon (15 ml) maple syrup);
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract.

Chocolate milk from hemp seeds

  • 1/2 cup shelled hemp seeds;
  • 3-4 glasses of water;
  • 1 tbsp cocoa for chocolate flavor;
  • sugar, maple syrup, honey, sweetener - optional.

Berry milk

  • 1/2 cup shelled hemp seeds;
  • 3-4 glasses of water;
  • 1/4 cup fresh berries.


Add the hemp seeds, water, salt and any additional additives to a high speed blender. Cover with a lid and mix for 1 minute until smooth.

The resulting mixture must be filtered through gauze. Store in a refrigerator at a temperature not exceeding +8 C. Shelf life up to 5 days.

1 half-cup serving contains:

  • Calories: 55;
  • Carbohydrates: 0.9 g;
  • Protein: 3.2 g;
  • Fat: 4.9 g;
  • Saturated fat: 0.5 g;
  • Polyunsaturated fat: 3.81 g;
  • Monounsaturated fat: 0.54 g;
  • Trans fats: 0 g;
  • Cholesterol: 0 mg;
  • Sodium: 10 mg;
  • Potassium: 120 mg;
  • Fiber: 0.4 g;
  • Sugar: 0.2 g;
  • Vitamin A: 1.1 mg;
  • Vitamin C: 0.05 mg;
  • Calcium: 7.02 mg;
  • Iron: 0.79 mg;

As you can see from the composition above, the benefits of hemp milk for the body are endless. Buying wholesale hemp seeds you can experiment not only in growing (in countries where it is allowed), but also in culinary directions for the benefit of your organism.

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