
F1 and F2 Seeds: Differences in Characteristics

F1 and F2 Seeds: Differences in Characteristics

There are special varieties of cannabis called landrace breeders. In simple words, it is wild-growing hemp from which breeders develop hybrids. Among the landraces, the most stable and strong representatives of both sexes are selected, who are then crossed to develop new stable varieties. This is how the first hybrids are obtained.

Seeds f1 and f2 are those same hybrids, only they belong to completely different generations. In any case, hybrids boast excellent taste, high yields, increased immunity and high resistance to stress. F1 and F2 hemp seeds are best suited for cultivation, but each of these hybrids has its own characteristics.

Please note that we do not encourage the cultivation, storage, and use of marijuana. The presented material was created for informational purposes for persons over 18 years of age. Growing marijuana in Ukraine is a crime.

What are F1 hybrids

F1 hybrids are the result of a combination of the most powerful and resistant marijuana varieties, while their properties significantly exceed those of their parents. The presented varieties boast exceptional stability and produce good yields. This is a clean line that produces large bushes. Experienced growers most often use the first generation of seeds, since In this situation, a splendid result is guaranteed, even if the growing conditions are far from ideal.

The main advantages of the F1 generation of cannabis include the following:

  • Rapid growth of bushes. F1 hybrids grow much faster and produce inflorescence relatively early. As a result, you won’t have to wait too long for a big harvest.
  • Sustainability. The presented varieties have excellent immunity and adapt well to growing conditions. They are not afraid of any diseases. A clean line is much less likely to be affected by bacteria, fungus, or viruses.
  • Efficiency. Some first-generation varieties require much less water and nutrients, and ripen quite quickly. Breeders have done a perfect job of developing varieties without impurities and other things.
  • Exceptional harvest. F1 hybrids are able to produce not only a generous harvest, but also a more predictable quality - you can be sure that the final product will have the necessary effect, taste, and aroma. In addition, plants calmly tolerate temperature fluctuations, drought, physical damage and insects.

It is worth noting that the presented advantages are reflected in the cost of the seeds, since a pure line is always more expensive. But for high quality and thorough work of breeders you have to pay your money. If we take second-generation hybrids, then these properties are not characteristic of them. Any climate change, etc., can lead to a significant reduction in the quality of the crop and its volume.

What is special about F2 hybrids

F2 hybrids are obtained by crossing two F1s. It is the descendants of the first crossed landraces variety that are the second generation. Moreover, 2 F2 hybrids can also be crossed and then an F3 hybrid will appear - this can continue ad infinitum. Please note - the larger the generation, the higher the risk that the plants will not come out with such excellent characteristics as the first. For example, they may produce a minimal yield, often get sick, they may have a minimal concentration of THC, etc. Their only advantage is that they are cheaper, but this affects the quality.

Difference between F1 and F2 seeds

The main difference between these seeds is how exactly they are created. F1 hybrids are bred by specialists in laboratories, while F2 hybrids can appear as a result of simple “self-fertilization” during cultivation. At the same time, the quality of plants of each generation differs significantly. Quality F1 hybrids cost more than regular seeds because breeders have spent a lot of time developing them. From seeds of the first generation it will be possible to grow healthy and strong plants with splendid yield and stress resistance.

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