
Cannabis seeds do not germinate - popular reasons

Cannabis seeds do not germinate - popular reasons

There is nothing more unpleasant and sad when cannabis seeds take a long time to germinate or do not germinate at all within 1-2 weeks after sowing. Marijuana seeds, like any other seed, are biologically designed to germinate, become a full-fledged plant, a treat for your pet, or just a souvenir. If hemp seeds do not germinate, then this problem can be caused by various reasons. This is the question we will study in our article.

We do not encourage the cultivation of marijuana in countries where it is prohibited. This material was created for persons over 18 years of age for scientific information purposes.

TOP 5 most popular reasons why marijuana seeds do not germinate

First, it is worth noting that germination of autoflowering seeds or any other type of cannabis takes on average from 2 to 7 days. If, some time after sowing, you encounter failure, then the reason for this may be the following:

No. 1: Mold

Mold often appears in the form of a small white fluff above the soil surface. Its formation indicates that there is a high level of humidity in the room. If the seeds receive excessive amounts of moisture and there is no ventilation in the ground, then moisture will accumulate there, which is the optimal environment for mold. Alternatively, you can wash the seeds to remove mold, but if the soil is contaminated before the seeds germinate, then you need to do everything again.

No. 2: Fungus

In growbox various types of fungi can form. The likelihood of a fungal infection is extremely high if cannabis seeds turn brown and distorted shortly after germination. The fungus spreads in a favorable nutritional environment. Most often, the cause of a fungal infection is the fact that it was already in the soil before planting. It can also appear due to high humidity or excessive watering. If there is a fungus on marijuana seeds, then nothing can be done about them. You need to do everything again, especially using a different soil.

No. 3: Pests

As a rule, pests do not completely kill hemp seeds, but at the same time they parasitize young growing bushes, which leads to a significant slowdown in growth. Pests can be difficult to get rid of, so it's best to prevent infestations from the start. Before planting new seeds in the soil, be sure to check that there are no bugs in the growing area. Pests can also appear when the sprout has already been released. Most often they sit on the underside of leaves. Therefore, you need to periodically check this area for the presence of bugs, mites and other organisms.

No. 4: Wrong sowing depth

Marijuana seeds - very strong and hardy, which try with all their might to sprout and turn into a full-fledged plant . But they will be able to do this only in a situation where optimal conditions for further growth are created. For this reason, it is necessary to ensure that the seeds receive enough moisture and light. If the seeds are planted incorrectly, the sprout will never be able to break out to the surface. The seeding material should definitely be placed at the appropriate depth so that they receive enough not only water and nutrients, but also sunlight. The optimal depth is 1-2 cm into the soil.

They should be placed in the ground so that they are covered with soil on top, but at the same time, this should not be done too deep so that they have enough light to grow. If the conditions are right, the moisture will soon allow the sprout to emerge from the seeds. In the opposite situation, germination will not begin, so the seeds will begin to decompose in the soil.

No. 5: Poor quality seeds

The quality of seed material is also of great importance for their germination. In addition, the freshness of the seeds is also extremely important here - the older they are, the more problematic it will be to germinate them, so you should definitely look at the expiration date and plant the seed as soon as possible after purchasing it or follow the recommendations for proper storage.

The easiest way to test marijuana seeds for germination before planting is to soak them in a glass of purified water for a while. If after 2 hours they settle to the bottom of the container, this indicates the excellent quality of the material. Please note that this test can only be carried out immediately before landing.

In order not to worry about the quality of the original seeds, you need to cooperate with trusted seed banks. The online store® offers a large assortment of original souvenirs and other auxiliary materials for full-fledged growing. All goods are stored in conditions strictly recommended by manufacturers at a temperature of 5 to 10 degrees C, with air humidity not exceeding 25%.

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