
Marijuana landrace - what is it

Marijuana landrace - what is it

Marijuana landrace is a pure population of cannabis that grows in a specific area and has never mixed with other genomes. The plants presented are among the purest varieties of marijuana that have grown in the natural environment. These plants have evolved independently over thousands of years, man in no way participated in this process.

Varieties of marijuana landrace

Typically, cannabis landraces are a pure form of indica or sativa. While now you can buy hemp seeds most often in the form of hybrids of these landraces. The reason for this is that the original strains weren't as potent, so breeders take them for crossbreeding to produce F1 hybrids. As a result, it is possible to obtain new varieties of hemp with better characteristics than Landrace had.

Seed producers combine several varieties for:

  • increasing efficiency;
  • decreasing the flowering period;
  • Plant selection for use in medicine.

The most famous line day varieties at the moment include the following:

  • Acapulco Gold;
  • Afghani;
  • Colombian Gold.

Sometimes working with landraces becomes more difficult due to their “getting used” to specific climatic conditions. Therefore, some seeds have to be cut. Typically only seed banks use cannabis landraces to create new unique strains. Really high-quality hybrids have an incredible appearance and a rare aroma.

Myths about landraces

The importance of marijuana landraces cannot be overestimated. The genetics of absolutely all modern varieties comes from these plants. At the same time, there are many myths associated with these pure varieties of cannabis. The most popular of them are the following:

1. Landraces have a rather long life cycle, which cannot be compared with the growth rate of hybrids. In reality, breeders take bushes with a short flowering period that grow in the warmest regions, since they have a relatively small maturation. The remaining strains from other parts of the world do not differ much from the life cycle of cannabis hybrids, so this myth is not justified.

2. Cannabis landraces are shredded genetics with no stability in natural climates. In practice, if pure strains from an exotic locality are planted in temperate climates, they will become hybrids fairly soon. Contamination of genetics is likely when pollinated by technical marijuana or wild ruderalis. If you choose strains from Pakistan or Afghanistan, then they are more resistant.

3. Landraces germinate irregularly and are rather difficult to germinate. The presented myth can be regarded as a fact, since the presented types of cannabis grow quite difficult and in some cases it is necessary to trim the seeds in order for them to sprout. This is due to the fact that marijuana can simply wait for the right climate, characteristic of its traditional region. In addition, the seeds also have a rather thick shell. Uneven germination can be attributed to a protective reaction. For example, some plants can sprout several years after planting. Due to the thick shell, the hemp population is maintained even in aggressive conditions.

As for the direct cultivation of landrace, it must be understood that some varieties are not able to adapt to a completely different climate, which is seriously different from the latitude where cannabis traditionally grows.

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