
LST Method: Cannabis Stress Training

LST Method: Cannabis Stress Training

The LST method is the most gentle, simple and common way to train plants. The presented name stands for Low Stress Training. This option is the most gentle. The main impact is on the central stem, which is fixed horizontally. Next, the side branches are stretched to the sides, thereby creating a low, spreading bush with many side stakes.

All information presented in this article is for informational purposes only and is not a call to grow hemp. We remind you that breeding couscous plants of this plant is strictly prohibited in Ukraine.

Benefits of marijuana training using the LST method

If the bush is given enough space for natural growth and development, then the presented cannabis training is optional. If the space for growing cannabis is limited (and this happens in most cases), then you need to use the LST method. This option is great for photoperiod varieties, which are quite large. Growers can independently adjust the shape of plants by limiting the height of the main stem. After the training is completed (bending the stem), the bush will begin to grow simultaneously in the horizontal (main stem) and vertical plane (side branches).

This workout provides the following benefits:

  • more light to the inflorescence located below, which often remain in the shade during normal germination;
  • lateral branches have an equal plant up to the lamp, which guarantees uniform development;
  • formation of many identical large cones, which cannot be achieved with simple cultivation without bending.

This workout causes a slight stress on the marijuana plant, which slightly changes its hormonal balance. As a result, the development of all branches occurs in the same way. On each of them a large inflorescence is formed.

LST method for autoflowering

LST-folding of autoflowers is a gentle and gentle technology. At the same time, many growers are afraid to use this method because hybrids are very sensitive to stress. But if everything is done correctly, then there is nothing to be afraid of. Gentle training does not harm autoflowering plants, but on the contrary, enhances their main benefits.

After bending, the bush quickly recovers and continues to develop at a normal pace. A strong autoflower may not experience stress at all. It remains just as compact, but at the same time you can independently create the optimal shape based on the size of the greenhouse. In addition, autoflowers often produce a smaller harvest, so with the help of this training it will be possible to increase the size and number of cones. Autoflowers become bushier, with developed side branches and many large inflorescence.

How to use the LST method in practice

Marijuana training may well be carried out after 4-5 growth nodes appear. The best time is during the growing season, since the flowering phase makes the plant stems stiffer and more brittle. To increase the elasticity of the stem, it is best not to water the bush for several days before training. You can also pinch the top of the head so that the lower shoots begin to grow faster. The leaves under the stem should be removed, because they will still not have enough light (this is not necessary).

To conduct a training session, you need to stock up on:

  • rubberized wire or soft gardening ties;
  • a small hand drill;
  • thin wooden sticks or bamboo pegs;
  • plaster or tape.

The training consists of several simple and quick steps:

1. Secure the base of the stem with a soft tie so that when bending the bush does not come out of the soil.

2. Tie a tripwire 2-3 cm from the top of the bush. Secure the other end to a holder or pot. The stem should now be in a horizontal plane.

3. Move large leaves to the side using guy ropes and securing them to the holder. Please note that the leaves should not block the light falling on the lateral processes.

After this, cannabis will change its development pattern. The side branches will begin to grow vertically. In this situation, you should definitely keep an eye on them. If some begin to pull forward, then they need to be pulled back so that the top of the head is at the same level as the other branches.

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