
Marijuana and cannabis - what's the difference?

Marijuana and cannabis - what's the difference?

The population often uses the words “hemp” and “marijuana” as synonyms, but they are not the same. The word “hemp” refers to all products derived from the Cannabis ruderalis plant. Such a plant contains more than 540 chemicals. And the name “marijuana” refers to parts or products of Cannabis sativa that contain significant amounts of chemical compounds in the form of THC and CBD.

THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) is the substance that is responsible for the psychological effects of marijuana, and hemp plants contain very little THC. CBD (cannabidiol) is a group of substances found in cannabis plants. The main psychoactive substances are THC and CBD, but in addition to them, 100 more species have been identified.

Is there legalization in Ukraine?

In the legislation of Ukraine, cannabis, hemp, and marijuana are still under consideration. However, it is allowed to sell and buy hemp seeds, hemp oil and hemp seed milk, as they do not contain THC and CBD.

Epidiolex is approved in most European countries. It has a purified form of cannabidiol and is used to treat seizures, paralysis, and severe forms of epilepsy.

Medicines containing cannabinoids may be helpful in treating some rare forms of epilepsy, nausea, and vomiting associated with cancer chemotherapy, and appetite and weight loss associated with HIV/AIDS. In addition, some evidence suggests a modest benefit of cannabis or cannabinoids for chronic pain and symptoms of multiple sclerosis.

Is hemp or marijuana safe?

Definitely not. Since both products contain psychoactive substances in their composition.

When using cannabis and marijuana, it was recorded:

  • Increased risk of traffic accidents;
  • Smoking cannabis and marijuana is associated with lower birth weight;
  • Smoking illicit plants is addictive;
  • Increased risk of psychological distress in adolescents;
  • Provokes the manifestation of schizophrenia and other and other severe psychological diseases;
  • Using marijuana in excess can cause vomiting.

Earlier, we analyzed which is more harmful, marijuana or alcohol.

In the end

What is the difference between cannabis and marijuana? The difference between marijuana and cannabis is that cannabis has a chem. Composition of CBD, and marijuana only THC. There is a version that CBD is not dangerous to health. This is confirmed by a funding study by the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. Claiming that CBD is a pain reliever. Studies have been conducted on people with chronic pain, migraine and acquired low back pain. As a result, people began to worry less about pain, but liver tests after taking a course of CBD showed a negative result.

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