Cannabis has three phenotypes: sativa, indica and reduralis. All of them have their own unique effects on the body and various external features.
Sativa, native to Latin America and South Asia, its main advantage is its high THC content and ability to adapt to the climate.
Indica: contains less THC: up to 15%, the plant itself comes from India and Pakistan.
Raduralis - used exclusively in medicine, against memory problems, Parkinson's disease, epilepsy, and other ...
Sativa Effects
Tonic, inspiring, invigorating effect that you will feel in the first minutes. Quickly puts thoughts in order, pushes to new achievements and ideas, struggles with creative stagnation. Ideal for noisy companies, outdoor activities. Sativa will definitely not let you get bored, but you need to know when to stop, since sativa is very psychotropic and can cause side effects if used excessively.
For example: nausea, dizziness, loss of space and hallucinations. But if you calculate everything correctly, then sativa will help improve well-being (removes headache, anxiety, and fatigue).
Sativa will become your assistant to take your mind off worries and issues. Walking down the street, listening to music, watching a movie or having sex will feel more responsive.
Indica Effects
A relaxation effect sets in the first minutes, all negative thoughts go away, a pleasant heaviness that pulls you to take a horizontal position, only positive thoughts and funny jokes surround the mind. A great way to relax after a hard day at work and forget about the pressing problems that have accumulated over a long time. If you are looking for a remedy to calm the soul, this is what you need. It is also important not to overdo it with the use, because the side effects will not be long in coming.
Ideal for drinking alone or with your soulmate to plunge into nirvana. Half an hour after consumption, the appetite will increase and will tend to sleep. Sleep will certainly improve, as you will not be haunted by anxiety and fatigue.
External differences between sativa and indica
The main difference is the shape of the leaves, Sativa leaves are much thinner, the branches are longer, the growth is higher, while the Indica has very wide leaves, the growth is not large and resembles a herringbone. The same can be said about the buds of these plants, in indica they are fluffy and large, while in sativa they are knocked down and thin.
These species also need to be grown in different ways, each needs a special approach.
Sativa plants do well outdoors and have good air circulation. After all, the plant in good conditions can reach a height of up to 5 meters. The optimum humidity for sativa is 56-50%.
Indica will thrive in artificial climates (greenhouses or indoors). A small shrub averaging one and a half meters in height with thick leaves, also loves space for the root system and care.
How to Grow Sativa and Indica Properly
In general, there are no strong differences in cultivation, but there are main rules for all types. Before planting a seed in the ground in early spring, make sure that the soil contains the optimal amount of fertilizer. In the spring, they are most needed, as they give cannabis strength for vegetation, endurance from weather conditions and physical damage.
The main fertilizers are: nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium; they are followed by secondary fertilizers: boron, sulfur, potassium…
It is also important to check the acidity of the soil, this can be done with a special device or litmus paper. The space for the growth of cannabis should be more than average, if you decide to plant it in a pot, then it should be at least 7 liters in volume.
The most favorite soil for cannabis is black soil mixed with coconut substrate (8%). There must be drainage at the bottom of the pot so that the plant can breathe through the roots, mold and other microorganisms that can harm the plant do not form in the soil.
Also, the plant in the first weeks of life will need abundant watering. Each plant requires care, and to get a good harvest you need to work hard. Protect the plant from insects and fungus, from physical and natural damage.
If you follow all the rules, cannabis will reward the grower with a generous harvest.
Medicinal properties of indica and sativa
Cannabis is able to heal not only the mind, but also the body.
Sativa has the following medicinal properties:
- Improves appetite and digestion. Struggles with anorexia and bulimia.
- Reduces the symptoms of epilepsy and convulsive pain.
- Copes with mental disorders, depression, panic attacks and aggression.
- Eliminates headaches, nausea from chemical poisoning.
Indica is capable of:
- Remove spasms, tone muscles.
- Accelerate wound healing.
- Eliminate depression and stress.
- Improve sleep and appetite.
- Remove inflammatory processes.
The material is for informational purposes only for persons over 18 years of age. We do not encourage the use of marijuana in the territories of those countries where it is prohibited.