
How to speed up the growth of cannibis? Main Factors

How to speed up the growth of cannibis? Main Factors

Not all gardeners can enjoy long flowering. Autoflowering varieties are made especially for impatient growers, but you can speed up the growth and photoperiodic seeds varieties using special methods. In this article, we will analyze a popular question from beginners - how to increase the growth and yield of cannabis?

There are two main factors that influence the growth of cannabis:

  • Cultivar Genetics
  • External factors

And if only the breeder can influence the genetics, then the external factors can be changed by the grower, especially in indoors.

Change the lighting schedule in the room

Photoperiod cannabis varieties begin to bloom as soon as the number of light hours decreases, this tells the plant that summer is coming to an end, encouraging them to start flowering. This is easy to do indoors by changing the lighting schedule from 18/6, 20/4 or even 22/2 to 12/12. This approach gives a lot of freedom: you can leave the bush in the vegetative phase for just a few weeks or for a very long time, which will accordingly lead to larger plants with higher yields. This is one of the popular ways to speed up the growth of marijuana.

Fertilizer - as a growth stimulator

You can achieve the fastest possible development with the right combination of fertilizers. Cannabis plants require different types of nutrition during different growth phases. During the vegetative phase, it is important to feed them enough nitrogen. It triggers the production of chlorophyll, which plays a key role in converting energy (light) to sugar and helps plants grow faster. Nitrogen is also needed in the flowering phase, but much less than in the growing season. By overfeeding the bush with nitrogen, you can weaken the stems and give the buds a strange chemical smell and taste. In general, poor nutrition slows down the growth of cannabis, while proper nutrition will help grow cannabis faster.

Marijuana fertilizers are needed throughout the life cycle. Without them, the cannabis plant will be dwarfed with thin stems, and with a minimal yield.

During the flowering phase, the cannabis plant mainly requires phosphorus and potassium. Phosphorus helps release nutrients, so it can absorb other nutrients efficiently as well. Potassium helps with many things such as strong stems, ATP production for energy storage, a strong immune system, and strong buds.

Growing in hydroponics

It is possible to accelerate the development of cannabis thanks to the method of growing in hydroponics. This method allows you to grow natural plants not in soil, but in water, which allows you to feed more accurately and use less water. When grown properly in hydroponics, the grower is guaranteed to increase the yield of cannabis and speed up its growth. This growing method is not as complicated as one might think, and the results are amazing even for experienced gardeners.

The breeding industry surprises every day with its discoveries. Everything so that you can enjoy the harvest of a generous harvest as quickly as possible. Varieties with the shortest life cycle are available for purchase at the best online cannabis seed store Smartshop-smartshop®.

*The Smartshop-smartshop® online store reminds that it is forbidden to germinate cannabis seeds in Ukraine. We do not encourage you to engage in illegal activities if it is punishable by law in your country.

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