
How to Increase THC in Marijuana

How to Increase THC in Marijuana

Growers use many methods to increase the level of THC in marijuana. Our Smartshop-smartshop® team has selected only the most effective methods for you! Also, our blog contains all the necessary information about cannabis, which will turn a beginner into a real pro.

Darkness before harvest

The most common way to increase your THC levels. Its essence is to isolate the plant from light rays for 1–3 days before harvest. This method will stress the plant. In this way, the grower makes it clear to the cannabis that it will die soon and needs to hurry to ripen, otherwise, all the work will be in vain. Marijuana starts to get nervous, and stress releases a large amount of THC into the buds. This method is the most efficient. The number of crystal trichomes will increase, the smell will become more distinct, and the buds themselves will become more resinous. But do not expect the bush to yield more.

Important! The seed manufacturer lists the maximum THC level in the strain on the package, so if you are wondering how to increase the THC in hemp above this, no matter how hard the grower will be able to jump over this mark.

Harvesting before sunrise

An easy way to increase the amount of THC in marijuana. Even before sunrise, at 4:00, the active metabolism of the plant begins to develop. During this period, each cell activates all processes. It is at this time of the day that cannabis is saturated with the highest levels of THC. This method is the simplest and does not require preparation, but not as effective as the previous one.

If you take 2 identical marijuana bushes and harvest, from one bush - in the morning (04:00-05:00), and from the second - in the evening (18:00-19:00), then the result will be obvious. The first bush will produce fresher juicy buds with lots of crystal trichomes and a pine scent and high THC levels, the second bush will produce no trichomes, no powerful aroma, heady mind, and a much lower THC level.

Sudden temperature drop

A grower who grows cannabis at home needs to know how to properly prepare it for harvesting. The houseplant feels very comfortable. He is given good care, high-quality watering, moderate humidity and temperature. Therefore, there is no point in rushing to harvest.

But, the task of the grower is to create a stressful environment for the bush, lowering the temperature, thereby hinting at the inevitable autumn. The plant will immediately understand that it is time to harvest and begin to synthesize all the substances into fruits. This method is very effective, but not safe! Some varieties do not tolerate temperature extremes, so you need to take this into account so as not to lose the crop at all.

Pouring with ice water

This method is also not safe for varieties that do not tolerate temperature extremes, but it is effective! The plant perceives any sharp fluctuations in temperature and humidity as climate change. He has to analyze and adapt to the new climate, or mature faster. If the fluctuations are insignificant and not systematic, then the bush will adjust, and if the differences are significant, then definitely, it is necessary to speed up the ripening process.

Hemp accelerates all processes in the body and gives a good, resinous, incredibly rich harvest. You can feel sorry for the plant and not put it into a state of stress, but then there is no guarantee that you will get the maximum effect of juicy buds with a lot of THC and resins.

Incision above the root

This technique is most often used with trees. In spring, you need to make one blow with an ax on the skernel near the root, as already in autumn the tree is fragrant with fruits. Also, with marijuana. Only an incision near the root should be made in the fall, a week before harvest (an annual plant).

How to determine the THC content in marijuana

Seed producers describe all the characteristics on the packages and in the documentation. You can be sure that the variety has exactly the amount of THC that is written, only when the plant was subjected to a little stress before harvesting.

Do not forget that the germination and harvesting of marijuana is not allowed in all countries (in Ukraine it is prosecuted by law), we do not urge you to violate the laws of your country of residence.

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