
Is it possible to overdose on marijuana: signs and symptoms

Is it possible to overdose on marijuana: signs and symptoms

There are quite a lot of debates surrounding marijuana today. Some people believe that it is a mild drug that only causes euphoria, not fully understanding what happens when you overdose on marijuana. In the presented material, we will delve into this issue in more detail.

Symptoms of marijuana overdose: when to seek medical help

It's not just a drug overdose that can cause terrible symptoms. When smoking cannabis, the smoke contains a variety of heavy impurities that can worsen your health. In particular, these include lead. If you use marijuana in fairly large quantities, it can lead to the appearance of:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • dizziness;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • tachycardia;
  • increased anxiety;
  • disorientation in space;
  • convulsions and tremors;
  • hallucinations.

Most often, a cannabis overdose occurs in a situation where many desserts with a large amount of THC are consumed. In this case, the meal can take several hours and over time, you lose track of exactly how many pieces were eaten. As a result of such actions, the above unpleasant symptoms can be observed for any person.

Is it possible to die from an overdose of marijuana

Many people believe that in the event of an overdose, it is the substance taken that leads to death. This is not entirely true. In fact, in the case of any overdose (from drugs or medications), death occurs as a result of respiratory arrest. Any substance that a person takes affects certain segments of his brain that are most sensitive to it. If you consume marijuana, it will act on cannabinoid receptors.

If you take opioids, they will also act on the corresponding receptors. The latter are as close as possible to the brain stem. He, in turn, controls a person’s breathing. If you take an excessive amount of opioid drugs for the body, the result is that the center of the respiratory system is paralyzed and the person stops breathing. Without proper medical care, the heart will simply stop.

As for the cannabinoid receptors of the brain, they are located at a fairly large distance from the centers that control breathing and other vital signs. There are currently no proven cases of marijuana-related deaths. At the same time, there are indirect reasons - when a person who drank alcohol along with other substances falls out of a window, hits his head hard when falling, and so on.

Lethal dose of marijuana: how much is needed for the worst outcome

Everything is good in moderation. Therefore, it is also possible to die from a cannabis overdose if you take too much of it. But, at the moment, this did not happen among people. At the same time, laboratory studies were carried out with mice. As a measurement measure, scientists used the LD50 indicator - it is this indicator that indicates the lethal concentration of substances. For alcohol, it is 10 (a person will die if he exceeds the permissible dose 10 times). For heroin, the presented parameter is 5.

During laboratory studies, it was found that this figure for marijuana is an astonishing 40,000. It is impossible to take that much orally, either while smoking or with food.

Summarizing all of the above, we can conclude that an overdose of cannabis is almost impossible. If a person feels unwell, it is best to consult a doctor, but mild unpleasant symptoms often go away on their own once the substance is eliminated from the body. In this situation, you should drink plenty of fluids and rest for several hours in a quiet place.

Online store of marijuana seeds Smartshop-smartshop does not encourage the use of marijuana, especially in countries where it is prohibited. The material is provided for informational purposes for persons over 18 years of age.

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