
Humidity in the grow box - control and importance when growing

Humidity in the grow box - control and importance when growing

Growbox is a closed system for growing a variety of plants, inside which an optimal climate is artificially created. In this situation, not only the temperature and frequency of watering play a role, but also the correct level of humidity, which fully corresponds to the growth phase of the plant. If the air in the grow box is too dry or humid, this will certainly affect the condition of the plant. In this article, we will study how to measure humidity in a grow box, how to reduce or increase it in order to achieve a high-quality harvest and prevent cannabis from withering.

Please note that we do not encourage the cultivation of cannabis. This article has been created for informational purposes for persons over 18 years of age.

Why do you need humidity control in a grow box

Water is of great importance for any plant. But in this situation, it is imperative to observe moderation. In particular, if you overdo it, mold may develop and the root system begins to rot. At the same time, too dry air can also negatively influence the condition of the plant.

But before setting the optimal humidity level in the grow box, you should first understand the physiology of plants:

  • if the humidity is too high, the plant begins to absorb it through the foliage, so it costs less to water;
  • if the air humidity is too low, the plant begins to take it up using the root system, so watering should be made more frequent.

In addition, fertilizers can be added to the water so that the plant continues to grow and develop. Growing cannabis in the wrong conditions can lead to a variety of problems:

  • 1. growth is too slow;
  • 2. leaves begin to turn yellow;
  • 3. the cones have signs of rotting;
  • 4. powdery mildew appears.

Before you find out how you can increase or decrease the humidity of a growbox, as well as how to lower the temperature in a growbox, it is recommended to measure these indicators. To do this, you need to stock up on a thermometer, hygrometer, or even a full-fledged weather station in order to simultaneously measure both of these parameters.

The simplest and most economical way to measure humidity is to use a dial hygrometer. But it is necessary to take into account that it displays only an approximate value, and not all plants can forgive this. If you need the most accurate indicators and ease of measurement, then you should purchase an electronic hygrometer with a display. Most models are equipped with a remote sensor that can be placed directly near the plant.

What humidity should be in the grow box for the plant to develop properly

The humidity level for a plant is the amount of water vapor in the air at a certain temperature. There are certain humidity requirements, depending on the growth period of the plant:

  • seeds require high humidity - 70% for the root system to develop well;
  • seedlings and plants in the vegetative stage need a little less humidity - 40-60%, since now they are sprouting leaves that will take water from the air;
  • during flowering, the plant requires a humidity of 40-50%.

If you comply with all the requirements regarding the climate, then cannabis will produce a generous and high-quality harvest.

How to reduce or increase humidity in a growbox

If a humidity problem is identified, then the question arises of how to cool the growbox or add more humidity inside. For this purpose, special accessories have been created - a humidifier and an air cooler. Be sure to keep in mind that in a cool room, humidity will be retained longer and better. If there is too much water, then it is best to install a dehumidifier in the grow box and reduce the amount of watering.

Also, do not forget about the ventilation system: add a couple holes in the growbox, or you can even install a fan. This way the moisture will evaporate faster, and an optimal microclimate will be formed inside.

How temperature affects cannabis and how important it is for growth

Temperature during cannabis cultivation is critically important, since it determines the 2 most important indicators:

  • growth rate;
  • plant development.

All this affects what exactly the harvest will be. It also influences the rate of moisture evaporation and the growth of cannabis. In the grow box, you should definitely create an acceptable temperature within the range of +21 - +27 degrees °C during the day and +18 - +20 degrees °C at night (in this situation, it is assumed that the lighting will be turned off). If you do not adhere to these requirements, the plant will become stressed, which will lead to even greater problems.

Be sure to pay attention to which one should be a climate for growing cannabis before buy a growbox so as not to lose your plants.

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