
Cannabis varieties with a weak odor - TOP-3

Cannabis varieties with a weak odor - TOP-3

Marijuana has its own easily recognizable smell, which not everyone likes. The characteristic aroma is due to the fact that the plant has terpenes and trichomes. Moreover, the smell is so strong that it can seep into upholstered furniture, clothing and other textiles. To avoid additional problems during cultivation, you should definitely worry about the proper level of air filtration in the grow box or room.

It is worth noting that the aroma of the plant itself does not harm the human body, but at the same time one does not always want to smell the smell of marijuana. The best solution in this situation would be to grow special low-smelling varieties of hemp, which can boast almost the same spectrum of action. The only difference is the aroma.

Please note that we do not encourage the cultivation, storage, and use of marijuana. This activity is illegal on the territory of Ukraine. The material was created for informational purposes and is intended for persons over 18 years of age.

TOP 3 low-smelling cannabis varieties

The bright and rich, characteristic aroma of buds can disturb growers, as well as cannabis lovers themselves. At the same time, there are special varieties of hemp with a weak odor, which may not emit an aroma at all, or it may not be similar to hemp. If you are looking for low-smelling marijuana seeds, then you should definitely pay attention to the following three.

No. 1: Northern Light feminized

This variety can be called one of the most productive, since it produces crops several times a year. Cannabis boasts a pleasant honey flavor that is rich in herbal notes. In addition, the aroma of the cones is very similar to pine needles. This variety also boasts the following advantages:

  • THC concentration is up to 20%;
  • Bushes can reach 1.5 m in height;
  • The harvest volume is up to 500 g per sq.m.

As for the effect, this plant has a relaxing effect, allowing you to let go of problems and worries.

No. 2: Auto White Widow Feminised

There are also excellent low-smelling autoflowers, including the White Widow variety. Key properties include good yield and high THC concentration. The presented strain was created on the basis of sativa, indica and ruderalis. This is why cannabis has an exceptional relaxing effect and helps you cope with stress. Also, the presented type of cannabis can be classified as a medical variety.

The presented variety boasts the following features:

  • THC concentration 22%;
  • the plant can reach 1.2 m in height;
  • The amount of harvest is up to 600 g per sq.m.

As for growing conditions, this is an unpretentious plant that copes well with temperature changes and other negative factors. It's great for beginners.

No. 3: Auto Jack Herer Feminized

The presented variety of marijuana seeds deserves special attention. The main advantages include the fact that this is an unpretentious type of cannabis that can easily grow outdoors or indoors. To get a good harvest, it is enough to create an optimal light regime and provide good watering. You also need to fertilize the plant regularly - during the growing season you need more nitrogen, while during the flowering period hemp needs calcium.

Features of this variety include:

  • THC concentration within 15-20%;
  • strong psychotropic effect;
  • compact dimensions of the bush - up to 110 cm in height.

In general, if you don't like the strong smell, then it is quite possible to find suitable odorless marijuana varieties that give an excellent harvest.

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