
Sensimilla cannabis - how the marijuana flower comes to be

Sensimilla cannabis - how the marijuana flower comes to be

Cannabis sensimilla is a term used to describe female cannabis plants grown without pollination by male plants. It is a cultivation method aimed at producing more resinous and potent flowers without seeds. However, in the process of growing cannabis, cultivators may encounter a phenomenon called cannabis hollow flower, which raises many questions, especially for beginners.

In this article, we will discuss what cannabis hollowhead is, how to avoid it, and what you need to know about sensimilla formation to get a quality crop. 

We would like to remind you that this material is for informational purposes only, and that cultivation and any actions with cannabis plants in Ukraine without a special permit are prohibited.

Cannabis Hemp - what is it?

Cannabis cynomolgus are flowers that do not produce seeds. They are formed in female cannabis plants in the absence of pollination. Under natural conditions, the male plants produce pollen that fertilizes the female flowers, resulting in seed formation. However, in the case of cannabis sensu lata, pollination is eliminated, which prevents the emergence of seeds and increases resin production.

Female plants begin to produce more cannabinoids such as THC, CBD and others in an effort to attract pollen for fertilization. This makes the empty flowers particularly attractive to those growing cannabis for recreational or medical use.

What does a cannabis empty flower look like?

For those who are just starting out in cultivation, it is important to understand what a cannabis hollow flower looks like. These are flowers that, at first glance, do not differ from ordinary cannabis inflorescences. However, they do not contain seeds, which makes them more compact, sticky, and resinous. Sensimilla flowers have a pronounced aroma and powerful effects due to their high content of cannabinoids.

The key characteristics of the empty flowers:

  • Lack of seeds 
  • This is the main characteristic that distinguishes empty flowers from fertilized flowers.
  • High resin concentration
  • Without the pollination process, the plant directs its resources to resin production rather than seed production.
  • Sticky trichomes
  • The flowers are covered with thick trichomes containing cannabinoids.

How is the cannabis sensu mater formed?

The formation of sensimilla is a process that requires proper plant care and control over their environment. To get high-quality sensimilla flowers, you need to follow a few key steps.

1. Feminized seeds. Growing plants without male specimens is the first step to creating sensimilla. To do this, feminized cannabis seeds are used to ensure that all plants are female. This eliminates the possibility of accidental pollination and helps to keep the weeds seedless.

2. Isolation from male plants. If male plants do appear during the growing process, they must be removed immediately. Even one male plant can pollinate all the female plants in the room, which will lead to seed formation and a decrease in the quality of the crop.

3. Control of the environment. Growing conditions play an important role in the formation of sensemilla. Plants should receive enough light, nutrients and water to avoid stress. Under stressful conditions, some female plants can become hermaphrodites, which will lead to the formation of pollen and, accordingly, seeds.

4. Regular inspection of plants. It is important to regularly check female plants for male characteristics. If male flowers (clusters of pollen) begin to appear on a female plant, this may be a sign of hermaphroditism.

Benefits of sensimilla

Why do many cultivators strive to obtain sensimilla hemp? The answer lies in the unique properties of these flowers:

- High concentration of THC. Cannabis empty flowers contain more cannabinoids than pollinated flowers. This makes them more potent and effective for recreational and medical use.

- Lack of seeds. The absence of seeds not only improves the quality of the final product, but also makes it more convenient to use. Seedless flowers are easier to roll into shoals and use for vaporization or extracts.

- Improved flavor and aroma. Seedless sensemilla flowers retain their unique aroma and flavor. This makes them especially popular among connoisseurs.

How to avoid the appearance of empty flowers

Although empty-seeded flowers are not a problem in themselves, if your goal is to get sensimilla, you need to avoid accidental pollination. Here are some tips:

1. Isolate the female plants. Keep them away from male plants, even if they are at a considerable distance.

2. Use air filters. Filters can be used in the room where the plants are grown to prevent the accidental spread of pollen.

3. Be on the lookout for hermaphrodites. If plants begin to show male characteristics, remove them to avoid pollination.


Cannabis sensu lato is one of the most popular types of cannabis due to its high cannabinoid content and lack of seeds. Understanding what cannabis sensu lucidum is and how to avoid it helps cultivators get a quality crop with minimal effort. Using cannabis seeds, controlling the environment, and regularly inspecting plants are key steps towards successful sensimilla cultivation.
Those looking for potent and fragrant seedless flowers will definitely appreciate the benefits of sensimilla and its unique properties.
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