
Best Ways to Get Rid of Plant Mold

Best Ways to Get Rid of Plant Mold

Mold can be the main enemy on the way to a good harvest. When a bush is infected, it throws all its strength into fighting the disease, and it does not have the resources to form inflorescence.

Causes of mold

The main task of the grower is to protect hemp from stress. Cannabis mold can be caused by a number of reasons, such as:

  • Overwatering;
  • Lack of sunlight;
  • Poor ventilation.

How to get rid of mold

Spray leaves affected by powdery mildew with baking soda and water. You may be tempted to wipe the powdery mildew off the leaves, but doing so is useless! This can easily spread mold spores and cause mold to reappear. Instead, mix 1 tablespoon (15 g) of baking soda with 1 liter of water in a spray bottle. Spray both sides of the leaves thoroughly and let excess water drain.

Some houseplant owners use mouthwash instead of baking soda. There is no scientific evidence that this is more effective for mold removal, but you can try it by mixing 1 part mouthwash with 3 parts water.

Due to powdery mildew, the leaves look like they've been sprinkled with flour. Determine which leaves have mold by carefully inspecting them - don't forget to check the underside. Then, using garden shears, cut the leaf at the stem. This will improve the airflow around the plant, thus preventing mold from spreading. Dispose of moldy leaves away from other plants.

White mold usually has a fuzzy texture and looks like cotton. Black or sooty is dark and typically has a spotted pattern.

Also, to get rid of marijuana disease, it is enough to spray the affected plant with a natural fungicide and monitor it carefully. Once the plants have recovered, it is worth applying a good fungicide spray to prevent re-emergence. It is necessary to continue spraying until drops of fungicide begin to drip from the leaves. After 7 days, repeat the process.

If it comes back, keep your cannabis plant in a room around 21 °C next to an open window with drier soil.

It will be enough to take the plant outside to prevent spread. After all, cleaning the plant can cause mold spores to fly through the air and infect other bushes on the plantation. So, to be on the safe side, place the plant outside and work on it there.

Be sure to place the plant away from trees and other plants so as not to put them at risk.

Removing mold from soil

  • Spoon or spatula. If the mold has settled in a cannabis pot, it is most likely limited to the top layer. Use a tool (depending on the pot size of your plant) to remove topsoil and mold residue;
  • If white powdery mildew has been seen 6–9 cm below the top layer or there are mold spots on the soil, it is necessary to transplant hemp pot. Knock as much soil out of your plant's roots as possible; otherwise, it may return to the new soil and cause root rot;
  • Add a natural antifungal agent to the soil to prevent the occurrence. Cinnamon, baking soda, apple cider vinegar may also help against illness. These ingredients naturally repel mold without harming your plant;

How to prepare a natural fungicide

Recipe #1

Spray the stems and soil with a spray prepared by dissolving 1 tablespoon (15 g) of cinnamon in 1 cup (0.24 l) of warm water. Also, sprinkle the soil around the stem of the plant with baking soda to prevent mold from spreading.

Recipe #2

Spray a solution of 2 tablespoons (30 g) of apple cider vinegar to 1 liter of water to kill spores on and around the plant. Since the antimicrobial properties of apple cider vinegar are also antifungal, it is an excellent remedy for this disease.

*The material does not call for the cultivation of hemp, especially in the territories of those countries where it is prohibited by law. All information is provided for scientific information purposes only.

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