
Hemp leaves - features and application

Hemp leaves - features and application

People who are engaged in growing can only recognize the hemp leaf. Its image can be found on wardrobe items, accessories and other items. Hemp leaf is a popular trademark in Ukraine! It’s true that this leaf shape was the result of evolution. In addition, the leaves themselves are an identifier of the presence of growth problems. For example, if hemp leaves are chewing, this indicates a shortage of living substances, which removes the bush from the soil. If the leaves are no longer the typical saturated green, dark green or other shade that a particular variety is responsible for, then this is an indication of the severity of the issue.

Caution: we do not call until the growth, saving, and ingestion of cannabis. Our article about marijuana leaves was created for cultural awareness.

What cannabis leaves look like

Whoever knows how many leaves there are in hemp, leave the splinters at home. Most often, the leaves are finger-shaped - the leaf segments, like the fingers, resemble the valley of a person, diverging to the sides from the petiole. Also, the leaf plates themselves have a toothed edge and thin veins. Depending on the variety of the plant, marijuana leaves may be similar to the color:

  • light green;
  • intensification of dark greens;
  • violet;
  • chervony;
  • Maizhe Chorny.

In any case, when there are white spots on the leaves of hemp, then this is a sure sign of wild borer dew. Most often it arises through the displaced volost. If there are only a few fingers on the sheet, then there are usually 5-9 of them. A young leaf may have 3 fingers, and mature leaves may have up to 13 fingers.

What to do with hemp leaves: the main areas of stagnation

Most often in medicine and recreational purposes, the following parts of the plant are used:

  • inflorescence;
  • leaves that cling to the bumps.

The use of these parts is designed to counteract the maximum concentration of CBD, so the effect of stagnation will be clearly visible. Thus, with classic cannabis, it will not be possible to achieve the fruity effect. This does not mean that all the sheets can be immediately sent to the accounting office.

Most typically, the leaves of vikoryst are used to extract kifu. In this situation, a paper or a silicone squeegee is spread on the surface. After this, trimming, manicuring and sorting of cannabis is carried out. Far from the surface, where everything has been shaken, trichomes are collected, which are covered with resin.

In addition, to extract the kief, you can push a piece of marijuana leaf through a sieve, which allows for a different caliber of gravy. As a result, you will be able to collect the maximum amount of trichomes found on the green part of the plant. The finished product may contain 35-40% THC. Means that the growers use a method of washing marijuana for the leaves, using dry ice for it. The effectiveness of the method is high, but its complexity and high efficiency must be limited.

In principle, marijuana leaves are subjected to various types of processing in order to obtain a product containing a high concentration of tetrahydrocannabinol. The leaves must be collected from mature cannabis bushes, and then subjected to further sampling.


Hemp leaves are a kind of litmus test, which demonstrates that the plant itself is in good health. Because marijuana suffers from illnesses, losses, improper watering, shortages of living components or, likewise, delays, great quantities If it is light or just a little, then this will change the appearance of the leaf. Growers must regularly and periodically check the leaf growth in order to promptly respond to any problem.

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