
How and why to dry hemp

How and why to dry hemp

After harvesting, it's time to think about how to properly dry hemp, so as not to destroy the result of painstaking and long work. Most often, this question is asked by beginners, so let's consider a small guide.

This article is for informational purposes only. The purchase, sale, storage, and cultivation of marijuana is prohibited by law on the territory of Ukraine.

Why is cannabis drying needed

Proper drying of hemp makes it possible to remove excess moisture and other unnecessary components from the cones, which make up 3/4 of their weight. During drying, the following happens with the plant:

  • Decrease in chlorophyll concentration. Thus, it is possible to eliminate the specific bitter aftertaste, the smoke also becomes softer, so it does not irritate the throat.
  • The appearance of a unique smell. Only after drying can you feel the aroma laid by the breeders during the breeding of the variety.
  • Elimination of potential side effects from the use of cannabis. Competent drying and treatment are similar to fermentation, during which the combination of terpenes and cannabinoids in the cone is brought to the concentration laid down in genetics.
  • Elimination of crop mold. It can destroy all work. It is forbidden to eat overgrown cones, because the mold will settle in the lungs and multiply.

It is also worth noting that proper marijuana treatment allows you to significantly improve the quality of the harvest. Cured marijuana has been proven to have a cleaner taste and great aroma. Thus, it will be possible to maximally reveal the natural smells of cannabis embedded in the genetics of the variety.

How to dry cannabis

For competent drying of hemp, it is necessary to allocate a separate, completely unlit room. It is also necessary to create a humidity level of 50% and a temperature of 21 degrees Celsius there. If the room will be warmer and not so humid, then it is better to dry the entire marijuana bush at once with the leaves, rather than spreading individual branches on the surface.

If the temperature in the room will be lower, and the humidity is quite high, then it is best to divide the branches into smaller inflorescence, and also ensure excellent ventilation.

Please note that there is no clear time frame for exactly how long you need to dry cannabis - in this situation, everything depends on the temperature regime and humidity. Under ideal conditions, it will take about 5 days.

How to quickly dry hemp: basic rules

Modern growers use a variety of means to speed up the process of crop drying as much as possible.

Some send the cones to the microwave oven, others fry the flowers in a pan, and still others dry them with a hair dryer. But the most effective solution is to use a dehydrator. This is a home appliance for making fruit chips and pastilles. But it's also useful for growers who want to dry their marijuana as quickly as possible. It is only necessary to evenly place the cones on the tray and start drying at a temperature of 35 °C for 2 hours. As a result, it will be possible to obtain qualitatively dried inflorescence.

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