
Hermaphroditism in marijuana plants

Hermaphroditism in marijuana plants

Growing marijuana is quite a complicated business. If the grower is unable to create the most favorable conditions for the plant, then, in addition to inflorescence, pollen sacs will form on it. What this threatens, how to correctly recognize Hermaphroditus and whether it is still possible to save cannabis - we will consider all this in our article.

What is a hermaphrodite and what does it mean for the quality of the crop

Cannabis Hermaphroditus is the process when a plant develops female and male reproductive organs at the same time. In simple terms, you can see female buds and male pollen sacs on a cannabis bush. The presented bushes are capable of self-pollinating and producing seeds that have an unpredictable quality.

Often, missing one hermaphrodite is enough to pollinate a female marijuana bush in a greenhouse and, accordingly, lose the entire crop. To prevent this from happening, you need to check all plants with enviable regularity even at the flowering stage.

How to distinguish a female from a male marijuana plant: practical tips

An inexperienced grower in these matters may find it difficult to distinguish female inflorescence from male ones, since they are almost identical in appearance. Therefore, you should first study the following recommendations:

1. take a closer look at the main stem of the seedling - the first flowers should appear exactly in the place where the leaves and branches grow;

2. examine the bush for the presence of small V-shaped pistils in inflorescence up to 1 cm in size - they can only be on female pear-shaped buds; if pistils are present, then this is definitely a female inflorescence (it often happens that pistils appear only after the marijuana begins to flower);

3. if no pistils are found, and the bud is shaped like a ball on a stalk (the balls can form entire clusters) - this is definitely a male bush.

You need to inspect the bushes regularly. Hermaphrodites are distinguished by the fact that they can form male flowers even in the last days of flowering of the female plant. At this time, male inflorescence are clearly visible by their recognizable yellow color and peculiar banana shape.

Is it possible to save a marijuana hermaphrodite

The presence of a hermaphrodite in the greenhouse is quite dangerous and can destroy the entire crop. If signs of Hermaphroditus were noticed closer to the end of the flowering period, then there is a chance of saving the crop if everything is done correctly. In this situation, it is necessary to remove all flowers. This should be done very carefully so that the pollen does not spread. The best thing to do is take tweezers and spray the cannabis bush with water. After this, it is worth monitoring the plant for the appearance of new “bananas”.

What provokes hermaphrodites in cannabis

The propensity to self-pollinate is partly influenced by the type of marijuana - examples of hermaphrodite plants are most often found in sativa varieties, while indica is more resistant to this. But not everything is so simple. It also depends significantly on the external environment. All feminized marijuana seeds have a genetic predisposition to hermaphrodites. But with good care this may not appear.

External factors contributing to the appearance of sealants include the following:

  • violation of the photoperiod - turning on the lights at night and turning them off during the day, changing the lighting mode (in particular, during flowering);
  • excessive heat in the greenhouse - sudden overheating, very hot climate;
  • lack of humidity or excess, sudden changes in humidity, watering with very cold water, which leads to heat stroke;
  • lack or oversaturation of fertilizers, too many pesticides;
  • delay in flowering time;
  • weakening of the bush by pests or diseases, physical damage to marijuana (broken branches, roots, burns, etc.).

At the same time, it is worth remembering that all varieties are capable of forming male and female inflorescence sat the same time, but this can be completely avoided.

How to avoid cannabis hermaphroditic

If mistakes were made during cultivation, then even the most stable and healthy cannabis plant can become a hermaphrodite. In this situation, this is a completely normal defensive reaction in response to stress. If you choose the most resistant bushes and create a favorable environment for them to grow, you will be able to minimize the risks to the crop. You also need to follow a few practical tips:

1. plant the bushes in a high-quality soil mixture with sufficient nutrients;

2. strictly adhere to the light regime;

3. control the microclimate in the grow box, avoiding temperature and humidity fluctuations;

4. Provide regular, sufficient watering and fertilizing.

If you spend a lot of time growing cannabis, taking care of each plant, you will be able to get an excellent harvest, avoiding the appearance of germs.

*The material is provided for informational purposes only; we do not encourage growing marijuana in countries where it is prohibited (including in Ukraine).

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